Scout Resources

Troop 433 of Marietta Georgia resides at: 

St. Catherine's Episcopal Church

571 Holt Road

Marietta, GA 30068

We meet on Monday nights at 7:15 PM. Troop meetings are generally one and a half hours long.

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The Troop began in 1955, with meetings being held at Powers Ferry Methodist Church. In 1988 we moved our meeting location to the East Cobb Presbyterian Church, and in 2015, we moved to the Holy Family Catholic Church. In 2024 we moved to St. Catherine's Episcopal Church.

Traditionally the adult leadership ratio is exceptional, and over one hundred Eagle Scouts have developed in Troop 433. Each year, we average three or more scouts attaining the rank of Eagle Scout, with more on the way.

Our scouts enjoy exciting adventures, fun & games, male bonding, skill building, citizenship recognition, service opportunities, and leadership training.

Our Goal:

A goal of the Boy Scouts of America is to help boys develop into honorable men. Scouting's values can be incorporated into a boy's home, school, and religious community, adding to all three and, in some cases, filling in where family, school, or religious support is lacking.

Is Scouting educational? You bet it is. Scouts have many opportunities to learn skills of leadership, of the outdoors, and of life. Each boy decides what he will learn and how quickly he will do it. As he progresses, the value of his achievements will be reinforced through recognition, advancement in Scouting's ranks, positions of leadership in the troop, and accomplishments during outdoor adventures.

Our Motto:

It is Easier to Build a Boy Than to Repair a Man.